Welcome to the SEND section of our website
Dorchester Middle School prides itself on its ability to offer and successfully deliver a full curriculum that is inclusive of all children, irrespective of need. The SEND department works to identify and celebrate individuals, ensure outreach support and specialist intervention is in place and support all staff members in providing equal opportunity to children with a wide range of academic, physical and mental health needs. As a result, the school is suitably equipped to deal with a wide range of individual needs. The school and the governing body regularly review its provision for children with special needs and ensure that its staff are well-prepared and trained.
For the majority of pupils, their needs will be met by our provision of a well-balanced, carefully planned and scaffolded curriculum in which skilled and diverse teaching strategies are employed. Some pupils will require some degree of extra support in their learning for varying periods of time, according to their level of need.
We recognise that some pupils will need more specialist and targeted support to engage fully in school life and meet their full potential if they are experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties, or have a specific learning difficulty or physical disability. These pupils will have a Individual Learning Plan and identified targets, strategies and provisions to support them.
At Dorchester Middle School, children are provided with the right support that is tailored to suit their needs, age and individual learning styles. For more detailed information about how we support children with SEND, please refer to the SEN Information Report.
The school maintains very close working relationships with children, staff, parents and other agencies and considers our partnership with parents to be of the utmost importance. We encourage parents to discuss progress regularly with teachers by attending all parents’ evenings. If you would like to discuss any issue regarding your child and Special Educational Needs and Disability, please, in the first instance, make an appointment to speak with your child’s home base tutor or, in the case that the concern lies within a particular subject, the subject teacher. Both will be happy to provide both information and support.
Below you will find a number of resources that we hope will help you.
SEND Information and Policies
You will find the relevant SEND information and policies on our School Policies Page.
Useful Links