Transition From Year 4
Hello and a very warm welcome to Dorchester Middle School!
This section of our website is dedicated to children transitioning from Year 4.
You will find a range of materials for parents and pupils which will help you find out a little more about the pupils' journey to Dorchester Middle School.
If you are reading this you are either a Year Four child who is transferring to our fabulous school in September or a parent of one.
You are probably feeling a whole range of emotions about coming to middle school in September. It could be that one moment you are feeling really excited about your new school and then the next you are really nervous and anxious because you just don’t know what to expect.
We are hoping that this section of the website will give you an idea of what life will be like when you join us in September and to hopefully answer some of the questions you may have.
At the moment we can’t answer all your questions, but we have produced this web page to focus on the things we DO know about our fantastic school.
Mrs Ray - Y5 Lead
You can find more about us in our Transition Handbook